Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Soklan merapu Cik Ly

Yo2 an CikLy soh Dak Nuee jwp tag dio nih. Ngah xdo entry baru nih leh la jwp kan. G pon da lame x kna tag nih. Huhu...

Where is your cell phone? kat kodai cino repair

Relationship? Ehehehe.. malulah nk bilang sama kamu ( smbl kenyit2 mata )

Your hair? Asal sebok nak tau??? aurat tuh..huhu..

Work? ticer

Your sister? sister hood eh??!! wakakaka... i'm the only gal..

Your favorite thing? lappy compaq gua nih...

Your dream last night? x mmpi. tdo mati.wahaha..hampir trljak tdo..

Your favorite drink? nescafe ice yg kau2..sodap diminum lam cuaca pns

Your dream car? Erm....ntah la.cam bnyk je...

The room you’re in? Bed room gue yg pns.hihi..xdo econ...

Your shoes? x pki la kst lam umah

Your fears? izrail dtg memanggil

What do you want to be in 10 years? mummy vogue kot.wakakakah...

Who did you hang out with this weekend? Encik Z..mesti....
What are you not good at? men gitar..x pndai2. jari pendek kot.ekekeke...

Muffin? chocolate la best...

One of your wish list items? penthouse kat tgh2 KL.woohooo...

Where you grew up? Tampin, Ns

Last thing you did? buat nescafe pns..lazat...

What are you wearing? Ops!!! Xkan pki tdg bagai kat umah lak kan...

What aren’t you wearing? ear rings..x tindik. da katup

Your pet? tucen2

Your computer? zmn ni seme guna lappy la...

Your life? hepy with fmly, bf, friends... kalo x gmbra entry2 kat blog pon asik nk mrh jek. hehe...
Your mood? senyum seindah suria.....

Missing? stakat nih da jmpe da...

Nickname? bnyk2...Ina ( pglan kat umah), Rin ( kwn2 erobik pgl), Nuri ( kwn2 skolah pgl), KakLong Ina( kazen2 pgl), KakLong Nina ( Iidib sowang je pgl)...

What are you thinking about right now? Lmbtnye thursday..mau men bowling ngan Encik Z. Weeee.....

Your car? The black Car

Your kitchen? kalo ghajin baru brasap...

Your summer? Summer??? summer night

Your favorite color? Black, red, orange..Eh lupa..PINK KARER

Last time you laughed? baru tadi.wakakakah...

Last time you cried? x sedeh x nanges

School? School yg mane nih?? tmpt kije ke tmpt blaja???

Love?Love is Cinta

Sesape yg ghajin..leh la jwp soklan merapu ni yek. Mls la nk pksa2. Kang owang lari lak kang xnak bca blog Dak Nuee lagi. Hua3x....
Thanx ya sesape yg sudi jwp. Just for fun jek....